Woolaioli Cashmere: Slow Fashion and Sustainability

The history of Italian wool makers: a know-how that has been lost over the centuries

In ancient Florence in the 1300s, the wool workers were the members of the Corporation (or Guild) of the Wool Art. This corporation brought together owners and workers dedicated to the processing of wool, from the selection process. passing through carding and combing, up to spinning and the production of clothing and other domestic uses. 

In those years, power was held by the Arts in Florence, practically excluding the nobles. The Wool Guild was the most influential of these Crafts and contributed significantly to the economic growth of the city. Wool production covered up to 10% of the wool needs of the entire West at the time.

The rediscovery of 100% Made in Italy craftsmanship: knowledge and expertise at the service of Slow Fashion

Our entrepreneurial journey starts from here: yesterday as today in our country some specific manufacturing skills have remained unchanged and indeed have been strengthened. QThese skills have been cultivated over the centuries, from the first forms organized in the Guilds in the Middle Ages up to the present day.

The rediscovery of artisanal production and the creation of high quality textile products necessarily involves a know-how that, in Italy, has been lost over the centuries.

Lanaioli qualità artigianale 100% Made in Italy cura e attenzione ai dettagli

In the world of mass production and the leveling of production standards, ours project is counterintuitive and puts man and his knowledge at the center, its technical ability, preferring the attention to detail that only artisan production can provide, compared to the large volumes of industrial machines.

Our energies are also devoted to providing the men and women who work diligently on our garments with a careful and scrupulous selection of yarns. The choice of our suppliers inevitably falls on the best spun wool producers in Italy, undisputed world leaders in this market.

Lanaioli is Quality and attention to detail, without compromise

For us Lanaioli, the passion for the quality of workmanship and raw materials is unquestionable, it is a choice in which we do not want to compromise.

Attention to the ability to know how to do reminds us of the idea ofhomo faber, understood both as a craftsman who is able to make a creative effort that creates a high quality item of clothing, but also seen as a man who is the creator and architect of his own destiny.

Regenerated yarns to spread a concept of sustainable fashion

Since the establishment of our project we have wanted not only to do business, produce and sell clothing, but to be part of the change in our sector. This is why we embraced the idea of ​​starting a collection of garments produced starting from Regenerated yarns.

Lanaioli Cashmere Rigenerato per una moda sostenibile ed etica

Only natural fibers to reduce environmental impact

The Cashmere, the most valuable of the yarns with which we make our garments that we put on the market, is available to our customers who are most attentive to the unique characteristics of this fibre. Furthermore, for customers who are more sensitive to environmental issues, we immediately created a 100% Regenerated Cashmere, not at all second in Quality to Pure Cashmere.

Fibre naturali e Slow Fashion Lanaioli per ridurre l'impatto ambientale

Project to recover merino wool production in Italy

The attention to an entrepreneurial sustainability project does not stop at the recovery of recycled material. Our business idea continues to achieve a short 0km supply chain in the medium term work merino.

Produzione Lana Merino in Italia filiera corta Km0

The Italian production of wool from sheep and goat farms has become increasingly low over the years to the point of almost disappearing: for some time the fibers that make up our clothing have come from remote regions of the world. Just think of merino wool which comes mainly from Australia or Cashmere itself which was born in the Kashmir region of the same name between India and Pakistan and then spread elsewhere.

Here we enter stubbornly by starting a dialogue with breeders, fiber processing companies, textile production companies and institutions to create a plan of recovery for local animal fiber production . The objective is to produce a yarn that can compete with foreign markets and achieve, even if to a small extent, our own zero-mile production.

The Vision of us Lanaioni: less waste of resources for sustainable and ethical fashion

The savings in water, electricity, fuel for transport and related CO2 emissions from all the production and travel steps involved in getting an item of clothing into our wardrobes would be truly enormous. We also want to make our contribution to change.

Lanaioli riduzione impatto ambientale, etica e sostenibilità nella produzione dell'abbigliamento

We want our Customers to be co-protagonists of a visionary project which has as its final objective the dignity of work, the saving natural resources on our planet and the relaunch of true Made in Italy, from the raw material to the finished product.

We share our culture and our Values with Customers

Lanaioli wants to contribute to retracing and making the vision and experience of the founders of the ancient Wool Art even greater.

We share the idea of ​​business only if this is represented by responsible choices in which Values, Man and the Environment, come before business.