Pecore lana merino

How is Merino wool obtained?

The journey from sheep to knitting: the production process of Merino wool

Merino wool , a premium natural yarn known for its softness and warmth, is the result of a production process that begins with the care of Merino sheep and ends in high-quality knitwear. In this article, we dive into the details of each stage of the production process, exploring how merino wool becomes one of the most popular natural fibers in the world of fashion.

The selection of breeds: excellent merino sheep  

The merino wool production process begins with the careful selection of the sheep breeds, the Merino sheep. Dedicated breeders focus on genetics, seeking to obtain sheep with superior quality wool fibre. Attention to animal health is crucial to guarantee the quality and ethics of production.

Sheep care: animal welfare and sustainability

Sheep welfare is a priority in the production of high quality merino wool. The farms adopt sustainable practices, offering ample pastures and ensuring adequate veterinary care. Ethical manufacturing is increasingly important to consumers, pushing the industry towards higher standards.

The collection of fibres: ethical and professional shearing

Sheep shearing is a crucial step and requires skill and attention. Experienced shearers ensure that the process is quick and painless for the animals. High-quality merino wool comes from the harvesting of long, thin fibers, ensuring the production of fine fabrics.

Fiber grading: separating the good from the excellent

After shearing, the fibers are classified according to length, fineness and purity. This grading process is essential to ensure that only high-quality fibers are used in the production of fine yarns. Careful grading ensures that each piece of merino wool knitwear maintains standards of excellence.

Fiber spinning: from ball to yarn

The selected fibers are subjected to a spinning process, where they are combed, washed and stretched into thin, uniform threads. Spinning is an art that requires skill to obtain soft and resistant yarns, while preserving the natural characteristics of merino wool

Dyeing and finishing: a world of colors and details

Merino wool can be dyed in a variety of colors, or kept in its natural state. The choice of natural pigments and dyeing processes with low environmental impact is increasingly common to meet the needs of an environmentally conscious consumer. The final finish of the yarn ensures that the fabric is soft to the touch and ready for processing.

The production of knitwear: from spinning to the high-quality sweater

Finally, merino wool yarns are used to produce a wide range of clothing items, from sweaters and scarves to coats and blankets. The quality of the fiber is reflected in the durability and appearance of each garment.

The merino wool production process is an art that combines the skill of farmers, shearers, artisan weavers and designers, creating fine garments that represent excellence in sustainable fashion. With a growing focus on ethics and sustainability, the world of merino wool continues to evolve, seeking to ensure a future where beauty and quality coexist with respect for animals and the environment.