Women's Knitwear Accessories
An exclusive collection of women's accessories made with regenerated cashmere and a fine cashmere, wool and silk blend, designed to give the perfect finishing touch to your outfit.
Our accessories embody elegance and sustainability, combining high-quality materials with an ecological sensitivity. Regenerated cashmere is our answer to sustainable fashion, reducing environmental impact while still ensuring maximum softness and warmth.
These accessories are designed to meet every woman's style needs. Made with the utmost attention to detail, offering comfort and warmth on the coldest days. They are the ideal complement for an elegant and sophisticated look.
The cape adds a touch of sophistication to your outfits. Made with a combination of cashmere, wool and silk, they offer the right amount of warmth and comfort, without sacrificing style.
Choose our collection of accessories in regenerated cashmere and cashmere, wool and silk blends to complete your look with a touch of sustainable luxury. Rediscover the art of elegance with fine materials and an ecological footprint.
We are convinced that another world is possible, just like you.
Purchasing a Lanaioli knitwear item means sharing the values that our brand has had in its DNA since its birth.
Cashmere Rigenerato
La scelta di Filati Naturali come il Cashmere, la Lana Merino, la Seta ed il Cotone possono aiutare a diminuire lo spreco di risorse e l'inquinamento, ma non basta. Per questo Lanaioli sin dalla sua nascita ha previsto la creazione di una linea con Filati Rigenerati, utilizzando Eco Cashmere per produrre maglioni ed accessori come guanti e sciarpe.
Filiera Corta
La nostra azienda è impegnata nello sviluppo di un progetto di filiera corta 100% Made in Italy supportando gli allevatori locali a riscoprire il valore delle razze merinizzate italiane ed acquistando filati per la produzione dei pregiati capi in lana merino