come si produce il cotone?

Cotton: how it is produced

The production of cotton yarn: from the field to the fabric

The production of cotton yarn is a complex and multi-faceted process that requires a series of careful steps, from harvesting the raw cotton to spinning the yarn ready for weaving. Each step is essential to ensure the quality of the final product, used in a wide range of textile applications. With the help of the article we explore the various stages of production of this natural yarn.

Cotton Harvest

Cotton production begins in the fields, where cotton plants are grown. After a growth period that lasts approximately 5-6 months, the cotton bolls mature and open, revealing the soft fibers inside. Harvesting can be done manually or mechanically. Manual harvesting is more delicate and allows you to select only the mature fibers, but it is laborious and expensive. Mechanical harvesting, on the other hand, is faster and cheaper, but can also collect unwanted materials such as leaves and stems.

raccolta manuale del cotone


Once harvested, the raw cotton is taken to ginning facilities, where the fibers are separated from the seeds. This process, called ginning, is essential for obtaining clean fibers ready for processing. Modern gin machines use rollers and brushes to effectively separate the seeds from the cotton fibers.

Cleaning and preparation

After ginning, the cotton is further cleaned to remove any remaining impurities. This is done through a series of machines that use air, beating and sieves to remove dust, remaining seeds and other foreign particles. At this point, the cotton is also pressed into bales for easier transportation and handling in the spinning mills.


Carding is the next step and involves separating the cotton fibers and aligning them to form a uniform ribbon. Carding machines use rotating cylinders covered in metal teeth to open, separate and align the fibers. This process creates a sort of veil of fibers which is then collected into a continuous strip called cotton tape.

Hairstyle (optional)

To produce a higher quality yarn, cotton can be subjected to a combing step. This step removes short fibers and residual impurities, leaving only long, parallel fibers. The result is a smoother, more uniform cotton ribbon, which will lead to a stronger, higher quality yarn.


Spinning is the process in which cotton ribbon is turned into yarn. There are various spinning methods, but the most common is ring spinning. During this process, the cotton ribbon is further pulled and twisted to form a continuous yarn. The twist gives strength to the yarn, making it suitable for weaving and knitting.



Finally, the yarn is wound onto spools or spools ready for shipping. This step includes a quality check to make sure the yarn is uniform and free of defects. The yarn can be further treated, dyed or finished depending on the needs of the end customer.

Cotton yarn production is a process that combines agricultural, engineering and artisanal techniques. Each stage, from harvesting to spinning, requires attention to detail and advanced technologies to ensure a high-quality final product. The result is a versatile and indispensable yarn, used to create fabrics that we find in our daily lives, from clothing to home linens, such as the Lanaioli long-sleeved men's polo shirt made of gassed cotton.

Polo da uomo a maniche lunghe in cotone

Knowing this process not only allows us to better appreciate the cotton products we use, but also to recognize the importance of sustainable and innovative practices in textile production.