Breve Storia della Maglieria: dal lino alla lana merino

Brief History of Knitwear: from linen to merino wool

The knitting is an ancient art that has roots far back in time. This weaving technique has been used for centuries to create clothing, reflecting cultural, technological and economic changes over millennia.

However, in recent decades, knitting has become much more than just a form of craftsmanship.

Today, knitwear is a global industry that constantly evolves, thanks to the combination of tradition and innovation.

The First Fabrics and the First Knitting Techniques: A Journey into the Past

Knitwear has its origins in the Neolithic, when man wove natural fibers manually. In ancient Egypt, wool was the most used fiber for the production of clothing. Later, the Romans developed more advanced weaving techniques, also using fibers such as linen and the silk.

The Medieval Era and the Renaissance: The Art of Knitting

During the Middle Ages , knitting became increasingly refined, and the art of knitting became a highly respected skill. It was in the Middle Ages, in fact, that the Lanaioli , or Wool Craftsmen, emerged. During this period, European monasteries were famous for producing intricate and ornate knitted goods.

In the Renaissance, knitwear became more accessible to the higher social classes, and more sophisticated styles developed. For the first time in 1530 in an English text we can find the verb "to knit".

The Industrial Revolution: The Step towards Mass Production

Knitwear underwent a significant transformation during the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. The mechanization of the manufacturing process allowed for the production of knitwear on a larger scale.

Power loom machines became increasingly common, and knitted garments were now accessible to a wider range of people.

The Knitwear Boom in the 20th Century: Fashion and Functionality

In the 20th century, knitwear became a key element in fashion. In the period between the two world wars, turtleneck sweaters and cardigans became popular, while in the '50s and '60s, ribbed knitwear and geometric patterns dominated the fashion scene.

Meanwhile, the open-weave knit and lightweight fabrics became symbols of summer fashion.

Contemporary Innovations: Technology and Sustainability

With the advent of modern textile technologies, knitwear has experienced further revolutions. The introduction of synthetic fibers and advanced production techniques have expanded design possibilities and made knitwear more accessible.

At the same time, there has been a growing attention to sustainability, with the search for new materials and ecological production processes.

Today, knitwear continues to evolve. One of the most interesting trends is the revisitation of the classics with natural yarns such as merino wool. This premium fiber offers warmth, breathability and comfort.